Contact: Casey Dinkin, Manager of Advocacy and Communications
Nutrition Consortium of NYS
Anti-Hunger Advocates Commend Congressman Paul Tonko for Bill to Expand Universal Classroom Breakfast
Albany, NY, 12/23/09—Anti-hunger advocates commended Congressman Paul Tonko for introducing a bill to expand Universal Classroom Breakfast programs by offering startup grants to schools. The Universal Classroom Breakfast Expansion Act (H.R. 4325) is aimed at replicating the successful model of universal breakfast in the classroom. Studies show that universal breakfast in the classroom is the most effective way to deliver morning nutrition to students, and a wide body of research documents the many positive academic, health, and social benefits of school breakfast consumption on children.
“The Nutrition Consortium of NYS applauds Congressman Paul Tonko for introducing this well-timed legislation, which will have a positive impact on children’s health, education, and well-being,” said Linda Bopp, Executive Director of the Nutrition Consortium of NYS, a statewide anti-hunger organization. “73% of New York’s low-income children miss out on school breakfast, despite rising numbers of children in New York who struggle with hunger.”
Bopp continued, “Research shows that moving breakfast from the cafeteria to the classroom more than doubles the number of children who participate. Congressman Tonko’s legislation is based on the well-documented link between increased school breakfast consumption and improved academic performance, including higher test scores, fewer nurse visits and disciplinary office referrals, and less absenteeism and tardiness. Making sure that children have nutritious breakfast to start their day is good for New York’s children, schools, and future.”
For more resources on School Breakfast, and Universal Classroom Breakfast see the following: