Monday, December 13, 2010

Child Nutrition Bill Signed into Law; Food Stamp Cuts Not Yet Restored

Today, President Obama signed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act into law. The Nutrition Consortium of NYS appreciates and recognizes the efforts of all involved in supporting and ensuring passage of this Act.

Read the Nutrition Consortium's press release (here).
For a summary and analysis of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (here).

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

FRAC Releases New Polling Data Showing Overwhelming Support for Federal Efforts to End Hunger

Voters Strongly Support SNAP Funding


Contact: Jennifer Adach, 202.986.2200 x3018

Washington, D.C. – December 7, 2010 – In the wake of the recent election, 80 percent of Americans believe that hunger is a serious problem for the country that must be addressed, according to new poll data released today by the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC). Those polled also believe overwhelmingly that the SNAP (food stamp) program must be protected in its key role of reducing hunger.

The poll of 802 registered voters was conducted by Hart Research Associates from November 5 – 8. Support for ending hunger and protecting SNAP from budget cuts was high across party lines, age, race, gender, income, and geographical areas.

The central findings of the poll were:

  • 80 percent of Americans believe that low-income children and families not being able to afford enough to eat is a very or fairly serious problem for the country. Only six percent said it was not a serious problem;
  • 81 percent believe the President’s goal of ending childhood hunger by 2015 is a very or fairly important goal for Congress and the President;
  • 82 percent said it was important for Congress and the President also to set a goal of ending senior hunger by 2015;
  • 74 percent say that SNAP is a program that is very or fairly important for the country;
  • 71 percent say that cutting SNAP would be the wrong way for Congress to reduce spending next year; and
  • 73 percent say that Congress should reduce other kinds of spending – not cut SNAP – to pay for increased funding for school lunches.

For the full press release and additional findings

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Child Nutrition Reauthorization Passes, Awaits President's Signature

From the Food Research and Action Center:

House Passes Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act

Today, the House passed The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (S. 3307). The bill now heads to President Obama for signature, which he is expected to do quickly. The passage of this bill was accompanied by a strengthened commitment by President Obama, made during meetings with House Democrats prior to the vote, to fix the SNAP cut contained in the bill. A number of the speakers on behalf of the bill on the House floor referenced the need to restore the SNAP cut.

For a summary of the Act's provisions, check out this resource from FRAC (here).

For one-page factsheets from the Senate Agriculture Committee (here).

How did your House member vote? (here)