Friday, July 15, 2011

New Video Urges Government Not to Cut Solutions That Help Millions of Seniors

Current Programs Offer a Vital Lifeline to Health and Independence for Older Adults in Need
WASHINGTON, July 12, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire

As Congress debates dramatic cuts to senior programs— including Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, food stamps, Home Delivered Meals and congregate meals — a new video by the One Away campaign for elder economic security urges policymakers to protect and strengthen current programs that provide real solutions for older adults who are struggling financially.

More than 13 million older adults live in or on the edge of poverty, often on less than $22,000 each year. In New York, a million older adults are income eligible for nutrition assistance programs. These seniors have to decide every day whether to pay for food, medicine, or a place to live. They live one bad break, one accident, or one layoff away from economic disaster.

The new video is part of One Away, an advocacy campaign that allows vulnerable and disadvantaged seniors tell their stories of struggle in their own words. The latest video highlights programs that are a lifeline for millions of older adults, including food and nutrition programs – Right now, 5 million seniors are hungry in the United States. Yet proposals in Congress would reduce funding for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as Food Stamps) by $127 billion, and could cut funding for Older Americans Act meals programs, including Meals on Wheels and congregate meals.

In addition to the main video, there are 10 other One Away videos spotlighting older adults across the country who have had to stop taking their medicine, eat less, or live in their car due to financial setbacks. Click on the "Watch Videos" tab to see them all. Visitors also can share their own stories of struggle, send an email to Congress, and discuss solutions to help seniors in need.

A national poll, commissioned by NCOA, indicated that almost two-thirds (63%) of adults aged 18+ said they or an older adult they know is struggling to make ends meet in today's economy. A majority (62%) also knows that one out of three older adults relies on Social Security for over 90% of their income. Find out more at

Hunger Solutions New York has a variety of outreach materials for your use among older adults in your community.

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